15 week "bumpdate"
Happy Monday! I am officially 15 weeks along in this pregnancy today!! I thought it would be fun to share my pregnancy journey with you. I'm going to use this as a time capsule for me so that I can go back & read through these posts later on.

So like I said, I am 15 weeks today. I also had my 3rd doctor's appointment today which went great! We heard the baby's heart beat which is so fun & exciting to hear! Our Doctor is very happy with how everything looks right now. Tomorrow, I am scheduling our anatomy ultrasound which will tell us the gender as well as show us the brain & heart development. I cannot wait to find out the gender!! I have done the baking soda test, the Chinese calendar test, & the ring on a string test & they all said girl!! If you Google any of these 'tests' you will be able to learn how to do them yourselves. At the first ultrasound we had, the heart beat was 160 beats/minute & they say girls have a higher heart beat. SOOOO, we shall see!! We will be happy either way, we just want a healthy baby :)
I have enjoyed being pregnant so far. I did not experience any morning sickness or nausea. I have not had any extreme cravings. I have noticed that I wake up starving!!! I was never a big breakfast person, but now I seem to need to eat as soon as my eyes open up LOL. No smells or food have really turned me off, however I do find myself not really interested in veggies, although I do eat them! I have been working out at home regularly & when the weather is nice, we take walks. You can check out my Pinterest Page here for some of the at home workouts I have been doing. I always enjoyed home workouts before I was pregnant & wanted to continue to do so while pregnant. They have been great ways to get me & baby moving!
Right now, I am still too small for any maternity clothes, however I do not feel comfortable in my jeans. I have tried on several pairs of maternity jeans & they are just too big right now, so maybe a few more weeks. At this point, I do not plan to buy too many maternity things as it's going to be summertime for the majority of my pregnancy so I plan to wear flowy dresses that I already have. A lot of my tops are from Free People which are loose fitting & will fit for a while. I have been LOVING the maternity leggings from Target (here). I will probably consider wearing them when I am not pregnant because they are so comfy. I have been recommending them to all my friends & family who aren't pregnant LOL. They're only $17 & super thick that they kind of feel like pants. I have pretty much been living in these. There is a band across the top that you can wear over your bump or fold it down. I've been wearing it folded down until the baby gets a little bigger.

For all my "bumpie" photos, I have been wearing this crochet sweater that I got from American Eagle a few years ago. I haven't been able to find the exact one, but this one is super similar, just not as long. I figured this would be fun a way to document my bump growth. I just use a simple white tank & the infamous leggings from Target. Comfy & cute for baby bump photos!
I have a couple of apps on my phone which are so cute! I have The Bump App & Baby Center. Each have similar topics, but different articles so I like having both on my phone. They each measure your baby each week with different foods. This week the baby is the size of a navel orange (according to The Bump app) & an apple (according to Baby Center). So cute!! They give you updates through email & you can turn on notifications so that you can get weekly updates about your little one. I've really enjoyed having these apps, especially being a first time mama!
That is it for this week's update! What do you think I am having? I am so excited to be a Mom & can't wait to see John Paul become a Daddy!
Thank you for stopping by the blog today!
- LA
{ As always, you can leave a comment in the comment section or find me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest at @aratariathome }