Sun Room Paint Reveal
I am one happy girl on this Halloween! We started our Sun Room mini makeover back in the beginning of September & to say that I have been impatient would be an understatement. We have been so busy lately that this project got put on the back burner for a bit, but this weekend we really went to work & finished this room.

Not sure if you could tell, but the Sun Room originally had this yellowy/gold wallpaper. When we first moved in, we didn't really know if it was a special wall treatment or wallpaper. Fast forward to the beginning of September & we found out that it was in fact wallpaper. John Paul started tearing it off & so began this project. Below are some before photos.

We are in no way experts at wallpaper removal, but my Mama has some experience so she was the first consultant :) Lots of patience is what she told us & boy was she correct! This was not an easy task, but we just kept reminding ourselves that this was the only room with wallpaper & there wasn't THAT much. Since the room has 2 full walls of windows & one wall with all shelving & no wallpaper, we didn't think it would be too hard for us first timers. I think that really helped us get through these past few weekends of wallpaper removal.

We tried all different products for stripping the wallpaper but the one that worked the best was this Chomp Wallpaper Stripper which you can find at Home Depot. The package says World's Best Wallpaper Stripper & as far as we are concerned, that is 100% true! This was a life saver & made the removal so fast & easy without too much excessive elbow grease. There definitely was some scrubbing involved. We had a pretty good method of taking all of the wallpaper off the walls. Then we would soak the walls with the stripper & let it sit for about 15 minutes. We then took some scrapers and scraped off the glue. Some spots needed some extra spray of the stripper to help take off some of the really stuck on glue. After we got all of the glue off, we sprayed the walls down with some warm water & soap & washed them off with a sponge to get off any excess glue & stickiness.
We did have some of the paint underneath the glue & wallpaper chip off. We used some spackle to patch up the spots & waited for them to dry to sand them off. That does make a big mess so if you are going to do that, make sure the whole area is cleared or covered in a drop cloth.

We then chose a wall color. I had taken home a few paint chips to test in different lighting. We ultimately went with Behr Silent White. It's SO SO SO perfect!! We love the color & how it brightens the room. The color has some gray undertones which play nicely off of the gray/brown couches. I love how the wood work now pops against the walls. It made the room so fresh & airy. What's great about Behr paint is that the primer is built in so you can skip that step! We had very light paint underneath the wallpaper which also helped us in not having to prime the room. We did 1 coat of paint & then some small touch ups in the corners, along the ceilings, & along the floors. We cut in along the edges (ceiling, floor, window trim, etc.) & then rolled the walls. We used a big roller & small roller. The small roller was mainly used since the walls were all pretty small, but that big roller was useful for the wall behind the TV. Lastly, we also took down the old pulley system curtains which just shows off the windows so much more! I could not be any happier with how it turned out! Now to hang things on the wall :)

What do you think of this transformation? What are some of your favorite white/gray paint colors?
Thank you for checking out the blog today!
{ As always, you can leave a comment in the comment section or find me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest at @aratariathome }