It's a....
I figured it is time for another "bumpdate!" I am 18 weeks & 5 days & I wanted to update you on what's been going on with Baby A.

First off, I have been feeling amazing! This second trimester has been so much fun. I have a lot of energy & have been so excited for what's to come. My baby bump is starting to grow, but it is still very small. It only really shows if I am wearing something tight, which I don't tend to do very often with the exception of my baby bump photos. I think it's going to start popping out a lot more in the next few weeks!!
We recently had our anatomy ultrasound. This was so surreal to see our baby since we haven't seen the baby since I was 7 weeks. The baby has grown & developed so much since then. We saw the heart beating at 145 beats/min, the brain looked good, the bladder, & kidneys were doing their thing, there are 10 fingers & 10 toes, & the spine is growing as it should. All in all it was a very reassuring appointment that little Baby Aratari is looking good & healthy! All things we wanted to hear :)
NOW for the fun part! The gender reveal!! We told the ultrasound lady that we did not want to find out at the appointment, but asked if she could put the reveal photo in an envelope. We then took the envelope to dinner to do our reveal. We asked our waitress if she could have the chef write on our dessert plate what the gender was. She could not have been more excited to be involved! She kept saying, "how are you going through this whole meal & not wondering like crazy" (which we were!!). We figured we had already waited this long, what was a couple more hours. Our families were going nuts texting us wanting to know if we had had dessert yet! It was such a fun night!
We couldn't decide between the Nutella Cheesecake & the Peanut Butter Pie so the waitress was sweet enough to bring us both! Here is what the infamous photo revealed.....

BOYYYYYYY!!!!!!! We are so thrilled! He is loved so much already & we can't wait to meet him in about 5 months or so. We are excited to carry on the Aratari name & look forward to all the fun boy things that we will get to experience with him. Personally, I can't wait to watch him bond with his Daddy. John Paul has wanted a boy all along so he is over the moon! I hope he's a little bit of a Mama's boy though LOL.
My Mom sent us a gift that we had to wait to open until we found out the gender as there was a present for a boy & girl. We opened the boy one which was a knitted sweater that my Grandmother had made when my Mom was pregnant with me. At the time, my Mom did not know what she was having so my Grandma made 2 options. It is so sweet that our little dude will get to wear this in honor of his Great Grammy!

Now we can start planning the baby showers & nursery. I have been pinning like a crazy lady, if you want to check out my Pinterest, click here. I have so many ideas swirling around in my brain that I need to get them all out already. These next few months are going to be so fun preparing for our little bear's arrival.
You are our greatest adventure, little boy. We can't wait to be your parents!!
Thank you for stopping by the blog today!
{ As always, you can leave a comment in the comment section or find me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest at @aratariathome }