30 Week BUMPdate
It's time for another BUMPdate!! I cannot believe I am already 30 weeks into this pregnancy. Once hitting that 30 week mark, I feel like things are just getting so real, if they weren't already. Getting out of the 20th weeks & into the 30th weeks, we are starting to prep like crazy!

We had our first baby shower a couple weeks ago, which you can read about here, if you missed it. So we have been busy unpacking everything & getting the clothes washed & put away. Laundry has never been so fun! Plus the smell of Dreft laundry detergent is amazing. The nursery is coming together as well, we just need a few more things & it will be a functioning space for our little man.

I am feeling good! I am more tired now than I have been before though. Baby A is moving a lot & he is getting big! The doctor said for how small I am, my belly is measuring big. He may be a little earlier than October 16, but we will have to wait and see. We are going to do some pre-natal classes so that should help us feel a little more prepared for the whole labor process. I'm excited to learn more & take a tour of the hospital.

We started reading books to our baby every night which is just so sweet. Since asking for books rather than cards at our shower, we have so many adorable books that we figured, let's start reading to him now. I think he loves it!

It's fun to see my belly grow from 26 weeks until now.
It's the home stretch & we are getting so anxious to meet this little guy. We keep trying to picture what he looks like & who he will resemble more. He is going to be such a little cutie.
I will be back soon with another BUMPdate! I feel like my belly is growing a lot faster now than before which makes sense since our little bear is growing a lot bigger!
Thank you for stopping by the blog & coming on this baby journey with us!
{ As always, you can leave a comment in the comment section or find me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest at @aratariathome }