Baby A Nursery (Volume I)
We have been busy over here at AAH (Aratari At HOME). This past weekend, my parents were in town for a visit & we got started on the nursery. With 4 of us working in there, it took no time at all to get it all painted! It was fun having the grandparents leave their stamp on our baby's room.
We used Behr White Pepper for the walls. It's a very light gray that looks white, but against our white trim, you can tell that it is not white. It is the perfect color, nice & soothing. John Paul actually chose this color out of many options & I think he made an amazing choice!

The color of the walls works so beautifully with the wallpaper from Milton & King. This wallpaper is called Twigs which you can find here. We are going with a woodland/adventure theme so I wanted a wallpaper that wasn't too overbearing, but still gave off that woodsy vibe. This one fit the bill just perfectly. It wasn't very hard to hang up, but I am glad we only did 1 wall. I am also extremely thankful that my parents helped us out because I'm not so sure we would have gotten it done as fast as we did, had it just been John Paul & I. I love that from far away, it looks very abstract, but close up, you can really see the trees. It's minimal, but still makes a huge impact.


This room is no where near done, but I wanted to give you a little peek into what is going on around here. We ordered some lights from Amazon which we have to install this weekend. These are the ones we went with. I think they will add the perfect masculine touch to the space & work well with our theme. We ordered the rocking chair from Buy Buy Baby a few weeks ago since it takes about 10 weeks to come in. We love it & it's super comfy. We haven't ordered the crib yet, but we have picked one out which I will share at a later date ;) I am on the hunt for the perfect long dresser to repaint & use as a changing table. I have been scouring all different yard sale sites, antique shops, yard sales, etc for the exact kind I am picturing. I know I will find it in time. We have some fun decor planned for the nursery, but I am going to save that too for a later date ;) I have to leave some things to the imagination, right?!
Rocking Chair:

Color of Chair:

Lots to still do, but I am loving what we have done already! What do you think of our baby's room so far?!
Thank you for stopping by the blog!
{ As always, you can leave a comment in the comment section or find me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest at @aratariathome }