Baby A Nursery (Volume III)
I am sitting in this rocking chair as I write this blog post just dreaming of holding our sweet little one in just a couple short months! Time is seriously flying by & I can't wait to meet our little man.

This week's rendition of Baby A's nursery is this corner! The rocking chair is heavenly! Super comfy! It rocks, it glides, & it swivels so baby A will have many options of being soothed. We got it from Buy Buy Baby. The SKU is 43286959 Kamil SWVL GLDR. The color is called Snow 26127. We ordered it from our local store & this is the information that they gave me. I do not believe it is sold online as the chairs are custom orders. You can pick the fabric & color when ordering the chair. We went with white because they have this amazing cleaner that supposedly gets out most stains & if the cleaner does not get the stain out, Buy Buy Baby will come & clean it for you. We will see if this is true, but I did feel more at ease when ordering this piece.

We needed a little foot rest so I moved this one upstairs from our living room. I got it from Tuesday Morning last summer on sale. The end table is from Pottery Barn. We got such a great deal on this end table! Here is the end table story! So we never registered for the end table because I figured we would just find a cute little side table somewhere for much less expensive than the one at Pottery Barn. One day we were in PB & talking with one of the sales associates about our crib. She asked us which one we had registered for & then told us that she just marked down the matching end table 60% off!!!! I think my eyes bugged out of my head LOL. I instantly said what's wrong with it & is this style being discontinued? She said there was absolutely nothing wrong with it & it is not being discontinued. She told me that the one she marked down was a floor model & they were switching up the layout of the store so all floor models had to be marked down. I could not believe this! She was so sweet & added the table to our registry so that we got an extra 20% off (FYI, if you register at PB & you purchase things from your registry, you get 20% off!!!). Sooooo instead of being $299 plus tax, we paid less than $120. Serious score!! I love it so much & will be perfect for storing all the little things I'll need while rocking our baby boy.

The rug was a Hobby Lobby find. The new light fixtures are from Amazon & that cute wall hanging was made by my sweet sister, Stefany & her etsy shop Boho Hope Designs. All these pieces combine to create such a fun space. There are still a few more touches to add like curtains & little storage baskets, but I think this space is coming along!

This nook is such a fun spot to day dream in. I just think of all the memories we will create in this corner & I cannot wait! Even Freddy is getting ready for his little brother to arrive! I think he approves of the chair ;)
A huge thank you for stopping by the blog today!
{ As always, you can leave a comment in the comment section or find me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest at @aratariathome }